Boush Street Offices

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Team

Building a design team is much like trying to build an NFL team. Or maybe it is like raising a family.

Our small young office at Ionic DeZign Studios has always tried to be a teaching firm.  There were times that all the employees were OLDER than me. I guess I was getting taught during that time.  Now, I have mostly passed the time barrier, and have become teacher again. I was watching the television show "GREY'S ANATOMY" this week and it reminded me about a teaching/practice environment.  It sort of freaks me out the thought of some medical student guessing about my diagnosis and getting it wrong but still operating on me. I don't think architecture is quite that intense.....or for that matter, that dramatic. The learning aspect is important in architecture.  It used to be that ATB's (Architect's-To-Be) had to learn from seeing what takes place in the field. And I mean...IN THE FIELD.  Going out and seeing the contractor's build what you have drawn.....and yes, seeing what you have drawn wrong too!  Without mentors in the architectural field, these young professionals would not get the opportunity to grow, learn and mature. I have always hoped that this is what we offer Team Ionic....that opportunity to grow.

The Team is like a Family.
We are a close knit group of individuals that work hard, play hard and (hopefully) enjoy what we do. I get the wonderful opportunity to share in the lives of individuals as they come through our doors and spend time together in work as well as hear the stories of their lives. That is what makes us a family and what I believe makes us different.  I care about them as people, not just another employee.  But there comes a time (just like in a family) that they need to move on.  Letting the birdies fly from our nest. Our hope as parents is that we get to see our children everyday.  After all we have put a lot of time and energy into these "children". However, as employers we understand that growing sometimes means leaving us for other opportunities.  Other locations. Other possibilities. It isn't easy to let some of them go.  But you understand.  Hey this is business.

The Team is sometimes like trying to build an NFL team.
Jeff Fisher yesterday retired from coaching the Titans after 17 seasons. During that time he has seen many players come and go.  He has even seen the team move from one city to another! This is pretty much the rule that happens in football.  There will be players that get there right out of college and learn all they can.....then others that come in from a trade or negotiation. Each coach tries to build the best team they can to reach the Superbowl.  Every year, some come and some go.  Some even get cut. Some retire. When you build a great team for a season it feels so great.  All the pieces fit together so well.  But, next year comes and some of the faces change. When a star player leaves, you wonder how you will ever replace them. It leaves a hole.  You know what, that hole will be filled, and you never know, it might be by somebody amazing that you never expected. Hey this is business.

This is the CIRCLE OF LIFE or.....OF BUSINESS. It is a sad day when we see one of our "children" leave.  But we know that is was great just to have the opportunity to meet at this cross road we call LIFE. We have the good fortune to make a new friend.  A colleague....and maybe send out a teacher that will share the wisdom we passed on to them. We understand the principal of "givers - gain". We will probably get back far more than we ever will be able to give. That is just the weriod way it all works. You cannot expect them to stay forever.  Hey this is business......but I would like to think it is a bit more.

To all my friends.  Thank you for the opportunity to share in your lives....even if it just for a short while. Hey, this is more than just is Life.  Without relationships, it doesn't mean much. Stay safe my friends!

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