Boush Street Offices

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ask and you shall receive....

Sometimes you actually get what you ask for....or believe in. I am a firm believer in positive thoughts will effect your outcome in a positive manner. If you think negative, more than likely bad things or nothing will happen in your life. However, thoughts that focus on the positive dreams and desires can and will become a reality. Now you cannot just wish it like a Jennie in a lamp and it will happen, I also believe that you need to be working towards that goal you envisioned.
With that said, last week on Monday morning I was so tired. Just fatigued. Even though work was always seems to be something that needs attention or just when you get ahead, something breaks down and you have to spend money....$$$$....never can seem to get ahead. But rather than being drained and starting off the week in an "out of gas" mode. I said, and even posted on my FACEBOOK, that it was going to be a fantastic week! Even tired, I believed that good would develop this week. It started off with a proposal for a new retail project sent off just was signed before the end of the day. Then there was a call for a meeting with a client for development on their large "plantation" for lack of a better description. Expanded work for another client came next and then the Grandaddy of them all.....Phone call received while I was still at the house on Friday morning asking if I could meet in 45 minutes at a contractor's office for discussion with the developer for the first LEED Retail development in the area!

Well 45 minutes later it is no longer a proposal but an actual job. We are directed to begin development on the concept and plan for a cost analysis. To top that, when asked of the developer what he envisioned the style or look of the structure to appear as, his response was, "You know, when I visit a restaurant, I don't tell the chef how to prepare my food; so I don't tell my architect how to design my buildings." WOW WOW and DOUBLE WOW!
It all started with a positive thought that Monday morning. Of course I had to present the proposals, I had to do the marketing it didn't just fall in my lap. There was work upfront that had to take place. But the seed was planted. God tells us that "he can provide for us abundantly more than we can imagine"......and I can imagine a lot! We feel really blessed.

WARNING: BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU ASK FOR! If you ask for all these prepared to get busy. This week I said on Monday morning that since last week was fantastic....this week would be AMAZING......define amazing? All week I was up until 1:00 or 2:00 getting presentations completed. Three marina projects needed presentation by Thursday afternoon, job site visit at the plantation that took 7.5 hours out of the day with travel. AIA meetings on Wednesday and Thursday evening, still working on three other projects getting them ready for city submission or bidding and oh yeah....remember that LEED Retail. Tuesday morning the contractor called and asked if I had anything yet? AHHHHH Thursday afternoon we had a rough concept model. Friday we were figuring out how quickly we could get the project through construction documents. Don't forget about the other calls for some new smaller projects.......all I can say is GOD IS GOOD....ALL THE TIME & ALL THE TIME......GOD IS GOOD...or maybe even FANTASTIC!

My friends, enjoy the day and be thankful of your blessings.
and remember....Be careful what you ask just might happen.

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