Boush Street Offices

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Creativity Wins!

Time published a new poll on how Americans viewed creativity—with remarkable results. The good news is that a huge majority of people believe creativity is very important. Nearly 2/3s believe creativity is more important to their workplace careers than they knew in school.  The bad news is that most Americans don’t know how to practice creativity. They value creativity but don’t understand it.

So we need both a lot of social time engaging with trusted friends and colleagues working on challenging new ideas AND alone-time to integrate those thoughts and connect the dots to generate new stuff.  It’s not “either-or.”

The five creative competencies of Stowe Boyd's new book Creative Intelligence: Knowledge Mining, Framing, Playing, Making and Pivoting: are skills that can build both creative capacity and creative confidence. This is true for business organizations as well as individuals.

"Where art and architecture come together."